Who am i?
about me...
Thanks for stopping by to visit my page. First, just a short bit about me…
I first got interested in Amateur Radio back when I was in Junior High School in the late 50s – early 60s when a ham lived across the street. His name was Don Smith, but I can’t remember his call sign. To me, it was magic, being able to talk to people all over the world!! Another factor – my dad was a Master Chief radioman in the Navy, and could copy morse code faster than just about anyone I have known over the years. This was also about the time that I started to have an intense interest in all things electronic.
Way back in 1970, I worked with a good friend, Larry Fleming, who was a licensed ham. He resparked my interest in Amateur Radio. I would not be licensed today, were it not for him. He is still licensed, and his call sign is W6DY. As an interesting aside, Larry has the same birthday I do, to the year and the date. Both Larry and I worked as Civil Servant technicians repairing weather equipment in the Geophysics Division for the Navy at the Pacific Missile Range at Naval Air Station Pt. Mugu, California. Speaking of the Navy…, I spent 4 years in the Air Force (1966-1970) as a ground radio equipment repairman. I spent a year and a half in the Philippines in the 1961 Comm Group where I worked on Collins Universal Radio Group, and repaired a fair number of KWM-2As. I also spent 3.5 years in the Naval Air Reserve (1974-1977) as an Avionics Technician in Patrol Squadron 65 (VP-65) at NAS Pt. Mugu. The squadron’s mission was Anti Submarine Warfare and flew P2V Neptunes (the last squadron to fly this great aircraft) and later transitioning to P3A Orions, another incredible aircraft!
I was first licensed as WN6TPL in 1970, when I passed my novice test. Excitement abounded, and I got on the air with a Heathkit HW-16. After many contacts on the novice frequencies, I decided it was time to upgrade. In 1971, I went to the FCC field office in Los Angeles, and with much trepidation, I took the 13 WPM code test, and also the General and Advanced tests. I passed all with flying colors, and held the Advanced class license (WA6TPL) for many years until I finally upgraded to Extra with a change in callsigns to N5JH. By the way, in my earlier years, I spent almost all my time working Morse code contacts. I still have an affinity for CW! I built a Heathkit HW-101 and then managed to secure a Drake line transmitter and receiver. I made many contacts on these rigs, mostly on CW, which was my passion at the time.
I moved on with my personal life, went to college, and graduated from California State University, Northridge with a BS in Engineering, and then on to graduate school at Stanford University, earning an MS in Electrical Engineering. I spent 30 years working as a practicing Electrical Engineer at Sandia National Labs in Albuquerque New Mexico. The last 15 years at the labs found me managing an Engineering Department that specialized in Telemetry and Instrumentation. For a short time, I was on the faculty in the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico where I taught a Senior Electrical Engineering course in networking. I retired from Sandia National Labs in 2007, and since then, have managed to resurrect my interest in Amateur Radio. During my tenure as an engineer, I purchased a Kenwood TS-440S and used that for a number of years. Now, my shack units consist of:
- Icom IC-7100
- Icom IC-7300
- Icom IC-7610
- Drake R4C Receiver
- Drake T4XC Transmitter
- Flex 6700 with a Flex Maestro
- Elecraft K3S with P3 Panadapter and KPA500 Linear Amplifier
- Elecraft KX3
- Icom ID-5100 DSTAR (mobile in the car)
- Icom ID-51A DSTAR Handheld
- Kenwood TH-D74 Handheld
- Wouxun KG-UV9D VHF/UHF Handheld
- Wouxun KG-UV950P Base Radio
- Icom IC-W32A VHF/UHF Handheld
- Anytone AT-D868UV DMR Handheld
- Alinco DJ-MD5 DMR Handheld
- SteppIR DB-11 HF Antenna
- AlexLoop portable Magnetic Loop Antenna
I am active on D-STAR and have become fairly knowledgeable in the technology. I have given a number of presentations on D-STAR at local amateur radio clubs. I recently purchased two DMR handhelds, and I am slowly absorbing more about the DMR technology. I definitely enjoy learning new things!
I live in a neighborhood that does not allow tall towers and big antennas. However,I currently use a Cushcraft MA6B mini beam up with a rotor (of course convincing the XYL of the reason for a new antenna!). The MA6B will be replaced with a SteppIR DB-11 beam. Unfortunately, the antenna isn’t up as high as I would like (remaining somewhat covert). But I do have plans on gradually pushing up the mast to gain height for the antenna.
I volunteer at the VA medical center in Albuquerque, and function as the Net Control operator for the Veterans Affairs Amateur Radio Service Net on Fridays (14.287 Mhz from 11:00 am to noon local mountain time, 1800-1900 Zulu), and the local VHF/UHF SCAT (Senior Citizens and Travelers) net 145.33 MHz, 100 hz PL and 444.00 MHz, 100 Hz PL from 7:00 am to 8:00 am local mountain time) on Sandia Crest linked repeaters here in Albuquerque, also on Fridays. I enjoy working public service events, providing communications for a number of bicycle and running events around the state. I coordinate communications for two public service events; the Tour of the Rio Grande, a cycling event, and the Albuquerque Run for the Zoo, a running event that has over 10,000 runners.
I have enjoyed Amateur Radio over the years, and my plan is to spend a lot more free time on the air. I work seasonally during summers at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and this coming summer, plan to take my Elecraft KX3 and the magnetic loop antenna with me, making contacts from the ranch.
I am also heavily involved in Scouting, motorcycle riding, shooting sports, biking, and fly fishing. I ran in a number of full marathons until my knees rebelled against my running. My favorite marathon was the New York Marathon, which I ran in 2003. In 2013, I rode my bicycle across the United States, starting in San Diego and ending up in Tybee Island Georgia. The ride took me 26 days covering 2,848 miles and a total of 98,480 feet of climbing. Yes, there is still life left in this old man!
I have been married to my incredible wife Sharon for nearly 50 years, and together we have 3 wonderful children and 7 amazing grandchildren! The grandchildren also occupy some of my free time (and that is the best!).
Hope to meet you sometime on the air.
Bob Longoria, N5JH